What's new in InfraWorks 2019.2?

Image Source:  Autodesk InfraWorks

In 2019.2, fixes were released for some of the problems in 2019.1. Some of these fixes include;

  1. Fixing an issue where modifying the start or end station of a road with a tunnel caused InfraWorks to unexpectedly close.
  2. Fixing an issue where road profiles imported from an AutoCAD Civil 3D DWG data source had incorrect profile geometry.
  3. Negative road station offset values being displayed when the start station of a road was not equal to zero.
Another important issue fixed was the one where InfraWorks would unexpectedly close when importing KML format files via drag-and-drop into the Data Sources panel.

For a full list of fixed issues, Click here.

For issues not fixed from 2019.1, Autodesk provides a page with workarounds for them.

The release  of 2019.2 follows that of InfraWorks 2019.1 in July 2018, which included changes such as allowing users to import non-clothoid spiral curves from Civil 3D and using BIM 360 Document Management to create, publish, or synchronize a model with different proposals.

What's new in InfraWorks 2019.2? What's new in InfraWorks 2019.2? Reviewed by Izuchukwu Obi on 04:59:00 Rating: 5

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